Thursday, October 24, 2013

and so the road trip begins...

so today is the day i left minneapolis and hit the road...  first stop was aberdeen, south dakota to see my aunt robyn and my niece jimmi, who goes to school at presentation college.  yay jimmi!  and go saints!!

before leaving town, i downloaded the roadside america app - which wasn't free, but so far has been fun and worth it - to make sure i didn't miss any little oddities and quirky attractions along the way.  first stop, of course, was, the world's largest ball of twine in darwin, mn...

also saw a few other things that weren't listed in the app, but were still turn-the-car-around picture worthy... like this cadillac-ranch-carhenge wanna-be volkswagen..

and these awesome halloween hay bales.

got to aberdeen and had supper with jimmi and aunt robyn, then went and checked out jim's dorm/campus...  cruised around town and had to take a picture of the hitch-n-post because as a little (cow)girl, this was my favorite store in aberdeen...

we also spotted this "before i die" board
downtown so stopped to read and fill in...  i've seen these in minneapolis but never stopped.

our posts were as follows:

dawn:  buy an airstream and travel
aunt robyn:  go to hawaii
jim jam:  meet channing tatum

some of these were crazy, like "eat a dozen cupcakes, but only the frosting..." and the spelling on some was horrendous, but we figured it was due to the board being close to bars...

tomorrow it's off to eagle butte to pick up my nieces and then to rapid city to reunite w/ my lucy.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

lucy moves to granny's...

last weekend, i took lucy to my mom's house to stay while i wander around the country trying to figure out what the hell i am going to do with my life...

because she doesn't travel well, the vet prescribed me a valium... err, correction - prescribed HER a valium.  i went to pick it up at the pharmacy and it was listed under lucy newbrough.  how cute is that?!?   so the morning we are going to leave for rapid, i crush up 1/4 of the pill per the prescription and put it in her food...  jump in the shower and by time i get it, she has already vomited it up on the rug.  so much for that.

packing everything up for the road trip, she knew something was up...  likely because it wasn't just my suitcase by the door; it was also her cat box, her toys, food, cat tree and her blanket.  when i tried to put her in the carrier, she fought me...  hard!!  i literally had to wrestle with her to get her in that sucker, but alas, we made it to the car and hit the road.  the trip was okay - she slept under the seat the entire time...

barely 12 hours at granny's house and that damn cat started scratching and biting under the box spring and before long, she tore open a hole big enough to get up in there!  i'm not sure what it is with box springs, but this is the third one she's tore into.

apparently, it's her "safe place," kinda like behind-the-washer is in the loft...  i just hope she doesn't get evicted by granny before i even hit the road!!

silly weird cat.  i'm going to miss her...